Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 13218
Title: Pollution Reduction Study (PRS) 2 - Groundwater and Soil Monitoring Program for Lot 218
Start date: 31 Mar 2016
Licence Condition
The licensee must develop a program to monitor groundwater levels and quality and a soil core testing program to monitor changes in metallic species above the maximum predicted groundwater level at Lot 218. The groundwater monitoring program must include details of monitoring bores (and justification for their inclusion); parameters to be monitored (and justification) and frequency of monitoring (and justification). The soil testing program must include core samples to a depth at least 2 metres below the proposed extraction depth of 0.7 metres above the maximum predicted groundwater level. The soil sampling must include cores from at least two locations within the area proposed to be extracted in the period 2015 to 2017. The testing of the cores must include testing for acid forming minerals at regular depth and time intervals. The program must be written into a report which must be supplied to the EPA (addressed the Manager Hunter - by 30 September 2016.